This is my review for the Witch Naturally Clear - Overnight Clearing Serum. I use this product every night and sometimes in the day.
This product sounds like it is oily. However, it has the texture of a moisturizer. You just rub it on the palms of your hands and apply it too your face. I would recommend using this as your last step in you skin care routine at night as this will make sure the product can properly sink into your ski and do it's job right. It is also better for you too always moisturize at the end of your skin care routine as it replenishes the skins natural barrier and makes sure your skin has enough moisture in it.
The packaging is really nice and professional. It is very informative and good quality.It has a nice texture and hasn't damaged or split. It is also small enough to put into your makeup bag and it also relates too watch the product is so it would be easier to determine between you other creams because the design is so original.
I love this product so much! It is amazing!It say that it will ' help to visibly reduce blemishes and spots' which it actually does. I had a few mini volcanoes on my head and I applied this cream and overnight they became much smaller.
All-in-All I will buy this product again. However the price is quite expensive which is quite sad. Overall I will give this product 4.5/5 purely because it is an amazing product, I gave it only 4.5/5 because of the price. However, it is a really good price so I can justify paying for this product as it made a massive difference to my skin when using it and lasted me about 2 months which is quite a long amount of time for a cream too last me as I used it every single night without fail.
I recommend this product to mainly spot-prone and sensitive skin. But anyone can use this product! I hope that you might buy this product because I can assure you that you will not be disappointed.
I hope that this review helped you. I also want to say a good thanks to everyone for supporting me!
* I do not get payed for any of these, all opinions at my own. If you are a company looking for someone to review a product contact me at beutyreviewsbusiness@gmail.com. Thanks *